Innate Ability & Health
Welcome to the Innate Ability & Health Podcast, where we explore how our natural abilities and mindset impact health, success, and quality of life. This podcast dives into the growing connection between mental and physical wellness, emphasizing how beliefs, emotions, and thought patterns shape our reality and well-being.
I'm thrilled to share that I am now collaborating with Natural Heart Doctor and Dr. Jack Wolfson to develop a holistic mental health therapy coaching program specifically designed for cardiovascular patients. This unique approach focuses on achieving better health results through mind-body alignment, addressing underlying stress, trauma, and the emotional factors that influence heart health.
Throughout the series, expect in-depth discussions on the profound impact of our mental state on our health, featuring expert insights, paradigm-shifting research, and real-life success stories. As an author, coach, and speaker, I’ve connected with thousands and am excited to bring this community together to delve deeper, inspire transformation, and support one another.
If these ideas resonate, please subscribe, share, and join our community. Let's embark on this journey to unlock the limitless potential within each of us.
Additionally, those interested in diving deeper can connect with me on various platforms where I regularly share insights, tools, and techniques to help you harness your innate abilities. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.
Youtube, Instagram + Facebook @ryanmarkkimball
email: cm@naturalheartdoctor.com
Innate Ability & Health
First Episode of 2024: A Holistic Approach to Health, Success & Happiness
Ever felt like you're merely surviving rather than thriving? I think we've all been there, which is why I've transformed our podcast into a sanctuary where the synergy of body, mind, and emotions is celebrated. Embark with me on a narrative that breaks down the 'toxic overload threshold', a way to understand how the build-up of life's pressures can push us over the edge into health issues and dissatisfaction. Using a combination of nutrition, physical exercise, as well as emotional, and mental exercises, I'll introduce you to a system designed to combat these multifaceted stressors. It's my mission to guide you to a life that's not just survivable, but brimming with joy, health, and fulfillment.
You don't have to be at rock bottom to seek a more enriched life. Whether you're overcoming obstacles or simply crave a deeper sense of contentment, I'm here to help unveil what you're truly after across the vast tapestry of life. Prepare for episodes packed with actionable wisdom and be encouraged to engage with us through social media as we journey together. Here's to an incredible year ahead, where we don't just alter our days but transform our very existence into something truly extraordinary. Join me, and let's turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.
This podcast is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Hello and welcome. My name is Ryan Kimball. I'm the host of the innate ability and health podcast and this is a podcast that has been developing over the years, started out strictly as a health podcast and today I want to go over a little bit about the evolution of this podcast and why I'm presenting when I'm presenting to you right now. So I've worked with many people over the years on their health and improving their life and it all comes back to the fact that when you're working on somebody improving their health, there's always things related to that have to do with their life Stress factors, mental factors, emotional factors, et cetera. So I had very classically I guess in a holistic sense been trained on detoxing the body and handling the reason people start having reactions to foods or their environment, et cetera. But as I boiled it down and learned more and more, I found that there's this analogy that's made about the body has a certain threshold and we call it the toxic overload threshold, and you can have this idea of a bucket and over a person's life it gets filled with toxins and at some point the bucket overflows from all these toxins and that's when you start having a lot of problems. Before that you may be symptomatic, but when your bucket overflows, that's when you go into health degenerative situations and working with clients, I found that, yes, that was true, many people had this go on and they had exposures to toxins. And just because we live in the world we do in, you're exposed to different types of toxins, all the time in fact. But I also found that there was a similar analogy that could be made for a bucket regarding our emotional toxic overload and our mental toxic overload. So, as we go through life, these buckets, the get all three filled up and any one of them overflowing can lead to health situations. It can also lead to unhappy life and unsuccessful life, depression, et cetera. And really it's the same thing, conventionally we find, with a person trying to deal with an overloaded toxic bucket on the physical level, you could say, and they start taking drugs or painkillers for their fibromyalgia or migraines, or weight loss pills that are guaranteed to work, and they get themselves in some very bad health situations.
Speaker 1:Well, similarly, if your toxic bucket, so to speak, has been overflowed on an emotional level, you've been through a lot of emotional stresses and these don't have to be dramatic. Even it's the same thing with the toxins, a little bit of toxin adds up over the years, right. A little bit of toxic emotion can add up over the years and you can eventually have that bucket overload. Even if you've had a pretty gentle life, so to speak, or nothing too dramatic has happened, right, that can still occur. And on the same thing goes on the mental level.
Speaker 1:If you've had a lot of trauma mentally or different experiences that maybe weren't overly emotional but they were pretty severe and intense, although the emotional and mental often relate to each other very closely. So we could turn that into one bucket. But I found separating them out and considering them to is even more valuable for most people, right. So any of these buckets get full and they overload and you start having problems on all levels. So when your health goes out affects you emotionally and affect you mentally. So by mentally, we might say, person can have mental fatigue Easily or they're forgetful. We don't really think of that as an emotional situation, right. But if they've had a life with A lot of things have happened to them and they've gone through a lot of education let's say I'm in the head a lot of information force down their throat is a sort of this information overload that happens to everybody these days. That bucket of mental stress can get overloaded as well, right? So anyways, the point is there's more than just the toxic, physical level things that need to be handled, and I've developed a system based on my past experience as a counselor. I use for many, many, many years. I use dianetic counseling to help people in their lives. I formed a very effective way of helping people on all of these levels the mental, emotional and physical level. So thought, emotion and what's going on physically. When you address all of these things, you get amazing results and you get that optimized life that a lot of people are looking for these days.
Speaker 1:It's not enough Just to be not sick. We want to have all the energy we need. That's another thing that's come up for a lot for me is that most people have the idea well, I have enough energy to get through the day, get my work done, that's good. Well, in fact, that's like running on empty all the time because you just have enough to get through the day. You just have enough to get One thing done in your life. When there's so many other things that are part of a real, full life experience that we all want, you have to have enough energy to get through the day, but then also come home and do all the things you want to do. Maybe create in that side gig you've been working on for years. Take your family out or go on trips or whatever it is that you do with extra time. Also engage in entertainment. Entertainment take some energy If you're so tired and you're at the breaking point just energy wise from your work. You're never gonna go out and enjoy life afterwards, which is one of the reasons, main reasons we work right. Besides just supporting the bare necessities of life, we want to have the ability to enjoy things and do things we enjoy. So that's that.
Speaker 1:I've turned this podcast into something that goes over not only the health aspects but also goes over the emotional and mental aspects and over information that you're not gonna see anywhere else at this time. Then I'm recording this anyways. I'm sure we'll catch on fairly quick what I'm doing, but I really wanted to give you a kind of beginning video. It's very short and easy understand. So you understand that this podcast isn't just about how to lose weight or how to feel better or how to get over your Migraines or increase your energy. It's about all of it. It's about how to increase your ability to emotionally be stable, give rid of past trauma, and I'm not talking about telling you to go to counseling. I'm talking about actionable techniques that you can use right now In your home, without the assistance of anybody, and then you can improve your life just by doing that same thing.
Speaker 1:On the mental level, how to increase and improve your memory? Not by taking an extra supplement, right, this isn't all about pills and potions right? By actually doing exercises that increase your ability to remember things, and not parlor tricks like I can remember a deck of cards and therefore I'm cool. No, how to practically remember things in your life that you need or be able to pull on and understand from your experience what you should be doing next. Be more confident because you have at your disposal and understanding of what's going on in your life, in what you're confronting right now, in that moment. So all of these techniques Very powerful.
Speaker 1:It isn't to say that you don't need the health as well, because you do, but they all work together and it's really important that we as a society start to recognize this and we as individuals start to use it in our lives and then make it normal and expected that others are using. This is not just okay, I'm going to go to the doctor. I'm gonna get some medication. I'm gonna go to my nutrition practitioner. A lot of people are more into the nutrition game. Really, that's great, and you should be in kudos if you're taking supplements, eating well, great. Your step ahead of a lot of people and it's gonna help you a lot. Not the full picture, and we have to start understanding that. Cuz is a lot of. This is a fast paced society, is a lot of powerful things happening right now and if people aren't emotionally able to Engage in it and mentally able to keep up with the speed of it and the information overload that's occurring, like, how do you process all this information? How do you possibly keep on track On top of everything with everything that's going on, and how do you take apart that information and know what is true and what is it right? I'm gonna go over all that as well.
Speaker 1:Very excited about presenting this has been a long time in the coming, to be honest, and I'm gonna be a slow release. I'm gonna put out information each week. I'm there, will help in these different areas and build up. You could listen to this podcast and change your life is my idea. I'm also be downloads available to give you more tools, so stay tuned. You have any questions. I always feel free to reach out to me support and a ability and health dot com, and I would be more than happy to engage with you.
Speaker 1:I'm doing this because I have established my life in a way that really works and everything's great and I want to share with others, and I really want to help people Find whatever it is they're looking for and that optimal lifestyle. Now, this can also work for people who are in severe situations and nothing else is work Health, wise, emotionally, etc. Right, but I want this to be available to anyone. You don't have to be in dire straits in order to benefit from this information. You could be doing pretty well. You want to get to a level that's Awesome, right, pretty well isn't good enough for you anymore, maybe. So that's that's all I'm gonna say in this episode. You'll see them rolling out every week. Feel free to reach out. Like I said, I'll also be on social media. I look forward to hearing from you, engaging with you and sharing this information. Thank you so much and have a great twenty twenty four.